Rock God of podcasting landscape

RGOP – For the love of a city

I am so happy to have more questions from out in the world. Today’s question comes from Bobby Blackwolf of the Voice of Geeks network and a podcasting friend of mine.

Rock God of podcasting landscape

RGOP – Reality, What a concept

This is a big topic to tackle and at the end, I feel there is so much more to say. I take you through some familiar territory like “The Secret” and then go out on my own sharing concepts of Perception and future memories.

Rock God of podcasting landscape

RGOP – Insurance, Medicine, and Taxes

This is a topic that has been a long time coming for the show and has been a long journey for me. Insurance is a scam and I give you all of the dirty little secrets about it to bring you freedom. Of course, this is weaved with stories and experiences

Rock God of podcasting landscape

RGOP – Religion vs Faith

Have you ever sat in a church and thought “that doesn’t feel right”? Have you ever seen a sports fan or a politics junkie lose their mind over their point of view? I will show you the difference between religion and faith and change your world view.

Rock God of podcasting landscape

RGOP: What Makes You Happy?

Mike was right my strength is in talking about bad juju and making it good so I accepted the challenge and kept myself on track to be happy. You will hear all kinds of great stories from me today – some of which have never been shared in public before!

Rock God of podcasting landscape

RGOP: Is it Bad to be Thoughtless?

In this episode you will hear my thoughts and experiences on being thoughtless and how it will improve your relationships, free your life, and take you to new heights in your career. Come find out why thoughtlessness can be a good thing.