Categories: podcast

RGOP – Religion vs Faith

Rock God of podcasting landscape

In many episodes throughout my career, from Bearcrawling to Success Freaks to Rock God of Podcasting, I have referenced a concept I have of Religion vs Faith. I go into many experiences here of growing up religious, the damage it and I did, and the realizations I had about it. Then I go into what Faith is all about. You may not be ready to hear the truth I am laying down, but maybe if you give it an honest listen you will start the process of living and thinking free. This is one of the more important episodes I have done about who I am and how I see the world. I hope it either lines up with your viewpoint or inspires you to see things differently.

I tell stories so to be blatantly honest if you want to know the answer to the question then hit play. Here you will get metal attitude, high energy humor, and unbridled honesty. My life is about making awesome stories and sometimes they are shared through NSFW language.

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