Categories: podcast

Rock God Of Podcasting: Find Happiness

deja-poo Rock God of Podcasting Find Happiness

Mike Woodard returns to ask the question “When you can’t make progress in a job or career then what do you do?” My answer is the not so simple find happiness. I share the path of jobs I have had and the dead ends I hit. And I show you how I got to the concept of when you are unable to find progress find happiness and the steps I took to make it happen.

Make Progress:

I have always been a self-starter and a “go getter”. So in every job, I always look at how I can be my best in the situation that has been given to me. And then I look at my upward growth path for advancement. This usually leads me to overwork in an underpaid position leading to frustration, boredom, and trouble. I quickly get frustrated with bureaucracy, lack of communication, and poor treatment of the employees. I hate being treated like I am uneducated, ignorant, or stupid. And that’s how non-communication makes me feel.

Find Happiness:

So when I run into the situation of being bored or presumably stuck in a dead end job I have learned to find happiness. For some that is a hobby like Golf or Shopping. And for others like me, that is creating content and art in the world. So the stories I share today cover these specific paths of discovery and improvement with some awesome deviations from the live audience.

This show is all about my stories but it is really about the shared human experience. Therefore the best way to share is to have you participate so I need more questions from you! Email me RGOP@charlesmcfall.com and hit me with your best shot – maybe you will get brand new stories out of me and bring some new adventures to the world.






Show posted on Blog Talk Radio also.

Charles McFall:
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