
RGOP: Chasing the Dragon (DragonCon Yo!)

DragonCon is the magic that is the perfect hybrid of professionalism and fandom on for the podcaster with heart. I…

Charles McFall

RGOP: I’m on a Mission

Charles McFall

RGOP: Being Grateful for Nothing

Charles McFall

RGOP: Why Change?

Charles McFall

RGOP: Working Relationships vs Personal Relationships

I am tasked with discussing the difference between working relationships vs personal relationships. This is never a black and white…

Charles McFall

RGOP: Minimum Wage vs Living Wage

When we give in an honest exchange, then we change how everything is done. Come along for the ride that…

Charles McFall

Rock God Of Podcasting: Find Happiness

Mike Woodard returns to ask the question "When you can't make progress in a job or career then what do…

Charles McFall

Rock God of Podcasting: The Issue is Mine

Sometimes I know my topic and sometimes I don’t. Today I know that I will be discussing the idea that…

Charles McFall

RGOP: The Rise and Fall of the Bearcrawling Nation

Long before the Giant Size Team Up came around I always knew I never wanted to be a solo act.…

Charles McFall

Rock God of Podcasting: Is it it really important to you if everything else takes precedence.

As I have struggled in keeping to a regular schedule for this show I have had to ask myself "Is…

Charles McFall